
Underground Railroad Research Paper

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The Underground Railroad was a network of people, African American as well as Caucasians, who assisted escaped slaves from the South by offering shelter, aid and protection. It was the term used to describe a network of meeting places, secret routes, passageways and safe houses used by slaves in the U.S. to escape slave holding states to northern states and Canada It developed as a joint effort of several different clandestine groups most notably the Quakers who were the first known group to take on the effort. The activities of the underground railroad operated from the early 1800s to the Civil War however, the exact dates of its existence are unknown. The earliest mention of the Underground Railroad came in 1831 when slave Tice …show more content…

Fugitive slaves were typically on their own from the moment they escaped heading north towards Canada. This was largely because Canada offered blacks the freedom to live where they wanted, sit on juries, run for public office and more, and efforts at extradition had largely failed. The first slave act of 1793 allowed local governments to apprehend and extradite escaped slaves from within the borders of free states back to their point of origin, and to punish anyone helping the fugitives. The law was amended in1850 to strengthen the previous law, which was felt by southern states to be inadequately enforced. The updated version created harsher penalties and set up a system of commissioners that promoted favoritism towards slave owners and led to some freed slaves being recaptured. The underground railroad was formed as a result of the harsh and legal repercussions faced by recaptured slaves as stated in the Fugitive Slave …show more content…

The American revolution was the kick starter to all the other revolutions stemming from the belief of English theorists who rejected the longstanding idea that slavery was a condition that naturally suited some people. Their transatlantic antislavery movement which believed that freedom was the natural condition of man fed the emergence of the American revolution. In addition to the united states, France and Haiti also formed revolutions all pushing and declaring the notions that all men are created

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