
Underground Railroad Research Paper

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The Underground Railroad was the term used to describe the network of meeting places, secret routes, passageways and safe houses used by slaves in the U.S. to escape slave holding states to the northern States in Canada. Established in the early 1800s in aided by people involved in the Abolitionist Movement, the Underground Railroad helped thousands of slaves escape bondage. Buy one estimate, 100,000 slaves escape from bondage in the south between 1810 and 1850. Aiding them in their fight was a system of safe houses and abolitionist determined to free as many slaves as possible, even though such actions violated state laws in the United States Constitution.

Even even before the 1800s, a system to a bet runaway seems to have existed. George …show more content…

For this reason, Levi is sometimes called the president of the Underground Railroad. The 8 - room Indiana home they owned and used as a “station” before they moved to Cincinnati has been persevered and is now a National Historic Landmark in Fountain City near Ohio's West boundary. Among the slaves who hid within it was “Eliza”, whose story form the basis for the character of the same name in the Abolitionist novel Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Owen Brown, father of the radical abolitionist John Brown, was active with the Underground Railroad in New York state. A story claims “Mammy Sally” marked the house Abraham Lincoln's future wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, lived in while growing up was a safe house where fugitives could get meals, but the story is suspect.
The Underground Railroad was not a railroad but instead a series of safe houses and people who provided safe passages for slaves wanted to escape the South to go to the North or to go to Canada where slavery did not exist. The safe houses were essentially stations were slaves seeking Freedom could rest and eat before heading for the next station on route to their destination. Slaveholders and law officials were hunting for slaves and those who helped them escape,ultimately planning to return to slave to their owner ‘owners’. The underground railroad begin in the early 1800s and in the course of its existence more than 100,000 slaves were

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