
Unit 1 Assignment Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Hello Meisha I am so glad that you raised this point. If I am not mistaken, I believe that you are referring the amount of $145,000 suggested by Jakhongir Abdurakhmonov in unit 1 for the scope of our scenario. Based on my experience and practice in life, we often work out the budget, or we come to the last figure of the budget by the result of our calculations of the budget such as this, which we are developing in this unit. I was also, surprised when we created the first cost with no any supporting documents of the how we got to that figure. Based on my personal life experience and after working for a long time, I understand by experience that I can come up with a closer budget to any similar project that I had already executed in the past. It is also true that we use some techniques through which we can calculate the resources for the similar projects. Unfortunately, in our current environment, it is not the case. Do you remember when we are executing the job and repeating for several times? It is normal we come up to the point that we can manage the next similar project effortlessly. …show more content…

The shared activity helps us all to exchange ideas, learn and get to interact and find answers to our questions the way we are in this class, Thank you for saving time for many of us, and good luck for all of us. Sorry for adding my comments so late, due to some personal matters

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