
Unit 3 Histograms Lab Report

Decent Essays

Lab three, histograms begins its introduction by elaborating that the number of birth per 1,000 population for each country. This lab will require us to start first by looking at at all the birth rates with in an entire population and from that we will be able to begin to question some of the variables in hand and begin to decipher what the minimum and the maximum value is for our data. As we look at our data it is important to understand that most of our values will be at the center of our distribution. In order to be able to distribute the values within this lab we will be using Histograms. Although this is similar to a bar graph histograms are very different. Where in a bar graph we make our bars in any given order a histograms purpose is understand the frequency …show more content…

The best way to do this is if we use trial and error. When we are finding our midpoints and boundaries, we have to keep in mind that the best way to represent a histogram is by ensuring that the population distributions is adequately shown to scale on the histogram. Once we have concluded all of the information needed to input into the histogram, we can create it. From here we can examine the chart. Typically, a histogram will create a bell shaped curve which is also known as a normal curve. Sometimes, other curves can occur. Some of these curves could be a bell shaped curve that is shifted to the left or right, a rectangular or uniform distribution, or an exponential distribution (this is described as a “flight pattern of a jet taking off from an airport” in the book) (3-1). The shape is important in the sense of determining the final histogram. In conclusion, this lab helps us comprehend the significance of the interval, width, range, and boundary. It also provides a description of the different shapes a histogram can have, and why the shape is so important to the final

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