
United States And Brown V Board Of Education

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Established in 1909 as an attempt to combat the racial hatred and discrimination that plagued the era the NAACP emerged. By supporting such cases such as Moore V Dempsey, Guinn V United States and Brown v Board Of Education, the group’s influence in both modern day and past civil rights movements is irrefutable. With this in mind this group has also had its pitfalls and has not always, still to this day, have the support of the entire black community for varying reasons. Marcus Garvey was a major activist voice that vehemently disagreed with the goals and tactics of the NAACP. The NAACP goal was to essentially fix all of the issues that followed the emancipation of African-Americans. In order to ensure this equality the group sought to dismantle blatantly anti-black laws and practices. One of the first major court cases occurred in 1915 with Guinn v. United States. This court case challenged the blatantly racist and discriminatory grandfather clause exemptions to required literacy tests within Maryland, Oklahoma and many other states. These tests held the illusion that voters had fair and equal treatment. However, because of the grandfather clause the test’s true nature was forced into the light. The clause stated that if a voter’s grandfather had been eligible to vote prior to January 1st, 1866, were soldiers or a resident of a foreign nation then the voter would not have to take the literacy test. This of course favoured white voters since a black voter’s grandfather

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