
Universal Governmental Programs : Universal And Targeted Organizations

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In today’s society, two types of major governmental programs – universal and targeted –are used all over the world in aims to reduce poverty and help the poor get above the poverty line. Universal governmental programs are programs that give need and benefits to anyone in the country no matter how much wealth or income they have. Countries like, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden have a universal health care system, where everyone receives free healthcare. Targeted, also known as means-tested programs are programs that are only given to families and individuals that fall below a certain income level. The United States uses the targeted governmental programs for all forms of benefits. The largest targeted governmental program seen in the United States is the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps. In order to qualify for SNAP families must fall below a certain income level and must demonstrate a need for assistance. In recent times, universal governmental programs have received most of the support over targeted programs for many reasons.
Of the two governmental programs, universal benefits are more widely accepted among citizens than targeted (Nelson, 2004). These methods are both used to reduce poverty and income inequality. Poverty resorts from many things in a country, some of those things are work rates and wages, some people work all day and all night but do not make enough money to get out of poverty. Some families’ incomes

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