
Unrealistic Beauty Standards

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What makes someone beautiful? This striking question has always had a complex answer rather than simple. Society makes their interpretation of beauty with many standards that qualify for the “most beautiful people” in the world. America's picture of the perfect lady is extremely thin however full figured. America’s picture of the perfect gentleman is also thin, yet very fit. It’s always one thing or the other, never one choice. The public has their own particular rendition of what beauty looks like, yet american beauty happens to have a stance amongst the most startling standards. These standards of beauty that women see each day impact their confidence and self-esteem negatively only to push them to discover ways to fit into these unrealistic beauty criterias. Beauty standards in America are ever-changing, but society has yet to absolutely accept the average, everyday woman. Today, women still feel pressured to be thin but also curvaceous. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and the OG Marilyn Monroe are women that are idealized for their thin, hourglass figure. Women who don’t naturally have this figure are now achieving this look in other ways that can manipulate their bodies. In order to achieve a curvy, hourglass figure, women have turned to plastic surgery, diets, and waist trainers. Ladies are so constrained to resemble the perfect lady that they will do whatever it takes to accomplish a trendy look, yet have they gone too far? Brooke Erin Duffy, an

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