
Urban Legend With Its Narrative Polish

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This urban legend, with its narrative polish and how recently it has taken place, seems to have had its start in 1980s, when a Turkish man sold his kidney, but had told officials that it was stolen. Later it was proven that he offered to sell his kidney from a newspaper advertisement. This story became famous with its adaption to the TV crime show Law and Order. With its new found fame, many people adapted the plot to better fit their needs upon retelling it, such as changing the location. Locations started in distant countries, for instance, Brazil and the Caribbean, then moved closer to Mexico, and even within the US, New York and Las Vegas (Fine and Ellis, pg. 179-180). The major points that follow the legend through its various forms include: hotel rooms, an unknowing victim, traveling to new places, confusion and pain. …show more content…

178), then changed to a businessman who was given drugs in his drink by a stranger (You've Got to Be Kidneying). Additionally, instructions to call 911 and leaving the victim a cell phone have updated the legend. Previously, the victim would be found in an alley or some other abandoned area by either friends or a bystander. The legend always seems to revolve around the kidneys, usually the criminal only takes one kidney since humans can live a normal life with one functioning kidney, but there are variations that describe both kidneys being taken. If both kidneys are taken, the victim would be forced to start dialysis, which is a medical process to filter toxic wastes in the body which the kidneys normally do. Without dialysis to filter the waste, death would occur anywhere from one week to several

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