
Use Of Consequentialism, Desire Satisfaction Theory And Objective List Theory

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Consequentialism is an approach to Ethics that argues that the morality of an action is reliant on the action 's consequence (Mastin, 2008). This theory is based on two main principles, first, that the rightness or wrongness of an act depends solely on the results of it and secondly, that the better act is the one that produces more good as a consequence. What is meant by consequence here is everything that a certain action brings about, including the action itself. The good end required by an action could be happiness or anything that leads to happiness. Happiness, in this context, refers to well-being and flourishing of an individual or society as a whole – aggregate happiness. There are many theories of the good in philosophy, including consequentialism, desire-satisfaction theory and objective list theory. All these theories relate happiness and pleasure to both intrinsic (something worthwhile not because it leads to something else, but for its own sake alone) and instrumental good (something considered as a means to some other good good).
Utilitarianism is a branch of consequentialism first presented by Jeremy Bentham and then modified by John Stuart Mill. The version of utilitarianism I will be assessing throughout this paper is the theory of act utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill. Utilitarianism in a nutshell, is the idea that the moral worth of an action is solely determined by its contribution to maximising the happiness in terms of pleasure for everyone. It claims

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