
Using Cognitive Biases In Research

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At first I did not know what the meaning of cognitive biases is, so I had to do some research to better understand the meaning. From what I have research cognitive biases is basically you see what you want, and look for things to confirm what you are looking for essentially ignoring or disregarding any information that disproves your believe. According to it states that “Cognitive biases are mental errors caused by our simplified information processing strategies. It is important to distinguish cognitive biases from other forms of bias, such as cultural bias, organizational bias, or bias that results from one's own self-interest.”(, 2012) another way to look at cognitive biases is that it is a subconscious decision made on a certain issue. I feel that the best way for intelligence analyst to reduce or overcome the thought of cognitive biases would be to always look at the different perspectives to an occurrence before judging it too greatly. …show more content…

An analyst can also reduce their cognitive biases by simply using critical thinking to think through the issue or problem allowing the brain to identify logic, reason and empiricism. Using critical thinking also allows the analyst not to rush into any conclusions or decision that may be wrong or miss leading. Leading to the intelligence to be more precise trustworthy. In since the events of 9/11 could be used as an example of cognitive biases although the threat was there people has a belief that an attack of that magnitude could never happen in America. People only wanted to see what they wanted, end result was that information was potently ignored or

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