Although one would think the VETS is dictated by a participative model it actually appears to follow a more rational model of decision-making. It is very clear from speaking with Mrs. Germany that the agency is driven by its goals. Obviously, the main goal is to reach the most veterans by maximizing a very limited budget; in other words, the agency is governed by efficiency. However, the Assistant Director of the Ohio Office says there has been a constant debate since the HVRP was established about what the program should actually accomplish. Many within the agency want the program to be broadened and to add more of an emphasis on housing, rehabilitation, and covering more of the veterans’ needs since the program is mainly focused on getting
In today's society where opinion matters, people have been extremely vocal about the lack of support the government has provided to our veterans. Many feel as if the government should do more, while others feel as if they are doing enough. Everyone will have a difference of opinion no matter if they have severed in the military or not. No matter how one may feel, is extremely important to take care of our veterans. As they have sacrificed their lives, time, and family to protect our country. Contrary to one's belief, the government provides a substantial amount of programs, which support the veterans. Honestly more could be done. On any given day you could see women and men standing on the corner holding signs implying they are homeless veterans and will work for food. A few programs the government offers our veterans are funding for mental health services, The Wounded Warrior Project and Vocational Rehabilitation and Education, which will be discussed throughout this essay. When you research the programs, they make it sound as if all proceeds are going towards the best treatment and care money could buy.
The assignment being completed within this report asks the author of said report to answer to a few analysis and review questions pertaining to the Veteran Affairs Administration in the United States, especially as it pertains to their claims processing dilemmas and issues. The author, in order, is asked to analyze the organizational design of the Veterans Administration, analyze the agency's global and international linkages, analyze their human resource goals and frameworks, analyze their training programs and offer two actions the agency can undertake to attract and maintain a qualified workforce. The author is asked to provide five relevant and credible outside sources outside of the sources that support this assignment's content.
I agree with you. The Department of Veteran Affairs has failed many veterans. Moreover, as you stated, with the bureaucratic system that exists, and each change within legislation the agency has had a very difficult time adapting to the change. Furthermore, I attest to your thoughts on these changes in legislation, regulations, political influences, and unrealistic public expectations do contribute to the ineffectiveness of the programs offered by any one of the federal agencies.
There are so many history stories in history books and on the internet, but the source from people who were actually there is so much better than reading the nonsense. It’s better to hear stories from people who have actually lived and witnessed it rather than just read stories about it. Most students listen better than they read. When you listen to stuff, it sticks in our mind way longer than looking at a book trying to figure out what’s going on. Veterans are an example of this. They tell us stories about the times they were in the training and when they battled, if they did or have already. They have always been an important part of our nation’s history, present, and future. Everyone who went into the military or is currently planning to join has or will have a story to tell. It will be a part of them that they will always remember, the good times and the bad times. So many veterans love telling all the experiences they have witnessed. Thinking of it, it’s not a bad thing; it’s a great thing to be able to say they were actually there. Many students ask what the training is like when they first join the military, although it’s really tough, many still consider going, some even make the commitment to join right after they graduate. Those who do make it, the commitment, are the reason our nation’s history and future is how it is and how
In 1917, as the United States entered World War I, Congress established a system that addressed Veterans benefits which included programs for disability compensation, insurance for service members and Veterans as well as rehabilitative treatments for those that were disabled ( Three years later, 3 separate federal agencies: the Veterans Bureau, Bureau of Pensions of the Interior Department and National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers were charged with administering these benefits and services ( Then, in 1930, President Herbert Hoover signed an Executive Order which consolidated these agencies to a federal administration level and created the Veterans Administration ( Almost seventy years later, in 1989, the Veterans Administration was then renamed the Department of Veterans Affairs ( The purpose for establishing the Department of Veterans Affairs (“VA”) has always been, since inception, and remains to this day, to provide a comprehensive system of assistance for Veterans ( As noble a purpose as the VA was intended, the VA could not escape the bureaucratic dysfunction that has rocked the very core of the military community, the nation and the Western allies with outrage and an immediate call for remedy.
It ought to be evident at this point that destitute veterans are not being served well by any means. On the off chance that the destitute veterans were legitimately looked after by our nation, the aggregate destitute populace would fall by more than forty percent over night. Destitute administrations would then have adequate subsidizing to move huge numbers of whatever is left of the destitute off the roads into transitional lodging with administrations that bring them again into the working populace. It would be a fantasy works out. If our nation would venture up to the plate, vagrancy in our nation would be essentially disposed of. Vagrancy among veterans is a real issue in United States. There are projects and administrations to help veterans, yet these endeavors are insufficient to viably address the emergency. This paper characterizes destitute veterans, analyzes their conditions, distinguishes current projects that address the issue, presents contentions for business as usual, presents contentions against the norm, and afterward closes with an ethical position.
The goal of the V.A. is to provide quality and timely service to all veterans. The current budget deficit has made it increasingly difficult for the V.A. to provide the aforementioned services to the veterans. According to Thomas B. Edsall, in his article about veteran healthcare, “Clinics are shutting down, and appointments delayed” (Edsall 1). In both its old and new forms, the VA drew its mission statement from an extract of President Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address: “to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphan” (V.A.) this means that the VA’s ultimate purpose is to take care of veterans.
The government has a major role in giving veterans care. There are many organizations and programs for veterans. The government helps veterans by giving them health care, but they do not help veterans with jobs. Although there are many support groups for veterans, it is an example of a small problem due to the fact that there are millions of veterans in need (Carter). The government is unable to fix some problems, but it has continued to increase the amount of money that goes into caring for veterans. The VHA is funded differently compared to something like Medicare. The amount of money spent for veterans would change if the veterans that need more help receive more help (Golding). As the number of veterans rise, the amount of money to take care of them would also increase. The government’s role in caring for veterans is important for them because they have risked
The objectives for the desired outcomes is to ensure that every veteran, regardless of which war, receives the proper care and treatment of their ailments. This is to include housing our homeless veterans in complexes in which they will feel safe, yet give them the freedom they need to work on their journey of healing. In the process, the veterans families that are affected must not be forgotten as
However, he Veterans for America have taken to a less popular choice. Instead of completely doing away with the VA, the Veterans for America request a change in them instead. The priorities have been sorted in a list of ten that also serve as instructions. First off is the rule that veterans must come first, not the VA. This is the most important rule. They believe that the care and funding of veteran health should be the first priority. The second priority refocuses on veteran service for those with disabilities and specialized needs. The third is the improvement of the VA, or more specifically the improvement of how the VA work-such as dealing with the timing and quality of care. The fourth and fifth priorities deals with the allowing of choice concerning from who and where the veterans receive their health care from. They believe the veteran has a right to choose. Following suit, the sixth, seventh, and eighth priorities again drills upon the Veteran Affairs by suggesting reform on thing such as the possibilities of health care on their budget, veterans’ demographics, and the cycle of their ‘standard operating procedures.’ They also note that the reform of such things will require bipartisan vision, courage, and commitment-to which they state in their ninth priority and how to implement it. The tenth -but by far not the least important-priority is to hold the VA accountable for all
Also, basic food allowance is not enough to support these veterans and their families with regards to the changing economy. These allowances, however, depends on the individual geographical location, pay grade and dependency status, still thus making these veterans not to meet up with their day to day expenses. Meanwhile according to Ho who said “federal officials are working with local agencies to emphasize the need for more affordable housing, putting a bigger emphasis on transitional and low-cost units over expensive single-family homes”
Representation of Masculinity the Renaissance Family and Shakespeare's Macbeth Familiarity with Shakespeare's work often leads to awareness to the representation of masculinity, gender roles, and the patriarchal order as these subjects are often greatly reflected in his writing. Renaissance concept of order meant there was a shift from what used to be an Open Lineage Family, to a Restricted Patriarchal Nuclear Family. In turn, Renaissance families saw an increase in obligations to the church and state. Shakespeare (with the use of irony) often played with typical renaissance beliefs and ideologies, giving his work both historical and critical value.
I have an interest of being at a school where I want to be a vet tech. I would like to learn more about animals than I am now at the career center being in a animal care class. That would make my application complete trying to get into a school with vet tech classes. I would like to learn how to take care of sick animals and how the vet tech does x rays and all kinds of experience that I would like to see because i’m not getting that kind of experience at the medina county career center. Or to be a vet tech assistant because I love working with animals and it’s a type of career field I would really enjoy. I think really looking into the kind of hands on training with learning more about the animals I will really get a kick out of because that
What is culture? That is probably one of the most important questions to tackle before diving into this topic. Culture is defined as the shared practices in a particular society and not shared by others, which include language, history, etc. that unify people and make people different from others. One has three choices on how he or she wants to use culture. Those three uses for culture are as a shield, weapon or a bridge, which often times play a vital role in the decision making process. For the discussion on Saudi policy, culture was used as a shield to form the policy for Saudi Arabia because they are considered the leaders in which knowing this and other cultural aspects caused an impediment in assessing policy with the other factions, ISIS, Yemen, Iran and the nuclear issue.
Marijuana continues to be a very controversial area of legislation in America. Through the Obama years we saw more lenient laws enacted and more places allow marijuana in the United States. In the early 2000’s medical marijuana became more common. Marijuana in Colorado has been an especially complicated area. But in 2012 Amendment 64 passed, which legalized recreational marijuana. Amendment 64, created by Democrats in Colorado’s Congress in 2011, passed by public vote due to the efforts of many politicians, the work of special interest groups, and a shift in public opinion of marijuana over time due to media and politicians.