
Violence In The Pardoner, The Knight, And The Wife Of Bath

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In all the tales we read I saw the aspect of violence in each and everyone, each story has involved some type hostility such as combat, homicide, molestation, and foul. Chaucer includes the sense of suffrage and takes on the approach of violence so that the audience is gripped onto the stories and to get the aspect of pity for that character or characters. The sake of these stories steering near the chaos it has a purpose in which gives the reader intel n detail on the tale told by The Pardoner, The Miller, The Knight, and The Wife of Bath. These four tales have this similarity in violence and each end with a lesson learned or an expected outcome. I believe he includes this condition of aggression because of the time it was written …show more content…

She comes to her senses to give him the opportunity to have a year and a day to tell the queen what women most desire when he returns if his response is incorrect he will be beheaded. Just the little that I've discussed there is an intense amount of violence and it is clear that this around this time Chaucer involved his readers with the point of view of the knight.

These two tales are both effectively fall into the category of violence, Chaucer uses these scenes from the tales to portray the characters in the fable and the character that is telling the story. It is ideal for Chaucer to include them so that he may go in depth with the story and it wouldn't have a vague description. I feel that most readers would want to know what happened to the three men in the Pardoner's tale or want to know what became of the knight after he had raped a woman. The violence is included because it is what wraps the tale together although these stories don't have much of a filter like any other stories these have conflicts. The conflict is what makes the story come together as a whole it is the basic plot structure where there is an exposition then there is rising action then the climax, falling action, resolution. It goes to say that the tails utilize a clear violence facet for the understanding of the readers.

The 13 century is another reason why violence reflected in

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