
Vision Quest Analysis

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Rites or Rituals (Analysis on Vision Quest) A vision quest is a rite of passage in some Native American cultures. It is usually only undertaken by young males entering adulthood. Among Native American cultures who have this type of rigte, it usually consists of a series of ceremonies led by Elders and supported by the young man’s community. The process includes a complete fast four days and nights, alone at a sacred site in nature which is chosen by the Elders for this purpose. During this time, the young person prays and cries out ot the spirits that they may have a vision, one that will help them find their purpose in life, their role in community, and how they may best serve the people. Ruth Benedict in her text The Pueblos of New …show more content…

It is clear that Native Americans were very spiritual. They had many different rituals and rites that they performed and had to go through in different levels and stages of their lives. One reason for the Native American young boys to go on the vision quest was also to figure out what their purpose in life was, and to do that they believed they need to find themselves in a spiritual way. Once they have found themselves and connect with their spiritual side on the vision quest, it made it obvious to the young boys as they transition to young men what their destiny was. Obviously, in The Pueblos of New Mexico by Ruth Benedict in the Jacobus textbook she explained how the Native Americans took this quest in order to connect spiritually with themselves to then figure out what their purpose in life was to …show more content…

The vison quest was a rite or ritual that helped young boys transition to men. They had different traditions to preform during this ceremony and quest. That relates to the mexican culture because of the young girls quincerra. At this quincerra, the young girl is turning fifteen, which in their culture is when a young girl becomes a women. At a certain party like a quincenarra, there is different rituals that the girl must first go through to then be considered a women. Obviously, Ruth Benedict explains the vision quest in her text, that makes the Native American culture relate to the mexican culture due ton their different rituals and rites that one must go through to become a man or

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