
Volcanic Hazards

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Volcanic Hazards (APA) Volcanic Hazards (Order #A2086670) Living in the shadow of a volcano can be a dangerous proposition. A volcanic eruption, and there have been hundreds in the history of the United States, can range from slowly oozing lava to massive eruptions and explosions causing devastation over hundreds of square miles of territory. While many people associate volcanic activity with the flowing of lava, as is common in the Hawaiian Islands, lava is rarely associated with being hazardous to humans. Lava simply moves too slowly for people to be caught by it. However, there are many other types of activities associated with volcanic eruptions that are more hazardous to human beings. The enormous heat that comes from material from deep inside the Earth is a more common cause of death than lava, as too is the suffocating cloud of ash and debris that is often blown out from the volcano during violent, explosive eruptions. This cloud of ash and debris is often carried by toxic and deadly gasses, including carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, as well as "chlorine, hydrogen, and argon." (Lutgen, 2011, p. 213) And the force of the blast that can come from an exploding volcano can hurl people long distances to their deaths. Volcanoes which erupt violently commonly hurl "pulverized rock, lava, and glass fragments from the vent," called "pyroclastic materials". (Lutgen, 2011, p. 213) These materials, shot into the atmosphere, can then fuse to form rocks, called "welded stuff"

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