
Volkswagen Case Study Analysis

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James Liang was a former engineer at the “German auto behemoth” known as Volkswagen, when he was faced with a problem (Mazumdaru). Liang and his team were assigned the task to create a “clean diesel” car that would give Volkswagen the opportunity “to expand its sales in the world 's second-biggest vehicle market with the help of a new generation of diesel cars” (Mazumdaru). However, Liang and colleagues soon learned that creating a diesel engine that followed the Unites States “strict air pollution limits and tough mileage regulations” was much harder than anticipated (Mazumdaru). The engineers were ultimately not capable of creating a diesel engine in the time allotted but with the “immense pressure the senior’s management” put on the …show more content…

He thought that as long as there was a good will behind the action, the outcome was irrelevant because the person might not have achieved success but the goodness of their will remains. Kant also spoke of duty in his moral theory and the impact it had when coming to a decision. His understanding of duty is that human beings are obligated to perform an action out of respect to the moral law. Meaning if they believed what they were doing was immoral then they should not complete this action, it is the human being’s duty to not break the moral law under any circumstances. Kant also discusses the ideology behind a maxim, which he described as a rule used to guide a person through a certain situation. Kant states that it is a connection between inner thoughts and outer actions, similar to one’s intentions. However, the only way to test one’s intentions or maxim is through categorical imperative. The categorical imperative in an unavoidable universal law that is expressed through three forms: Universalizability, Respect and Autonomy. Essentially these three rules can be defined as: do not act a certain way unless that act can become a universal law, do no use someone as merely a mean to your selfish ends, and lastly see everyone as legitimate universal law makers or equals to oneself. Through these requirements one can judge whether or not their maxim is legitimate or unjustifiable. Now we can compare

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