
Vs And Syllogism In William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar

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Talking about Brutus join the rebels and assassinate Caesar, historians and litterateurs are always hold different point of view. Dante put Brutus in the deepest floor of hell (Giudecca) in his book Divine Comedy and punished him with the most severe punishments. However, many scholars believed that Brutus was an idealist. He had no selfishness and what he want was only prevent Caesar proclaim himself as a kind and in order to save the Roman Republic, he had to betray his friend and his patron.

In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, Brutus had a huge monologue in act 2.1 “”
Some people says Brutus was a snaky butcher refers this paragraph that he didn’t mention anything about the choice in Republic or Empire, either the contradict between the national benefits and personal benefits. So people believed he is only worry about the power of Caesar and when Caesar become a kind, he might look down to others or even hurt them, including himself.

However, this soliloquy dose reveals a fact that Brutus is fighting for public benefits, but it also shows the logic mistake in his argument. His metaphor of serpent and egg shows his syllogism. The major premise is that autocrat to Roman Republic is like the serpent to human, so we should kill them or we will been killed, and the minor premise is Caesar is the autocrat. So the conclusion is we should kill Caesar. Many people can find the logic mistake in his argument, even in the Elizabeth Age that Caesar was not an autocrat yet. This

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