
W.E.B. Dubois Essay

Decent Essays

W.E.B. Dubois The great African American intellectual W.E.B. Dubois was born in the post-Civil War era. Being born at this time encouraged him to fight for equal rights for blacks. At this time, blacks were still suppressed very greatly. Dubois, having had lived in an all black community, experienced racism first-hand in the North (Donalson, 558). The hardships of the African American race …show more content…

Then, in 1896 he accepted a job at University of Pennsylvania conducting research on the Philadelphia slums. His studies led to his book, The Philadelphia Negro. This writing merely explained crime in black communities. He explained that blacks were not the cause of crime, just a symptom (Hynes, 12). Dubois had a deep analytical perspective for the black culture as a whole. He began to teach economics at Atlanta University (Wager, 3). In this time period, Dubois accomplishments were uncommon for an African American. He had to be tenacious and goal-oriented to make such accomplishments. In 1903, Dubois published The Soul of Black Folks (Salty's Stamps, 4). This book illustrates how demeaning it is for blacks to beg for basic rights that inherently belong to them. This book encouraged him to meet with black scholars whom he named the "talented tenth." In 1905, he began to meet with these scholars to discuss civil rights issues (Lewis, 1). These meeting were known as the Niagara Movement (Lewis, 1). After five years of meeting the NAACP was formed and Dubois was Director of Publicity and Research (Lewis, 1). In 1919, he sailed to France to be an NAACP observer of the Peace Conference (Lewis, 2). While in France he decided to form four Pan-African congresses which failed. Dubois did not gain very much support in his fight for civil rights. He was opposed to the

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