
Essay about WWI causes

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History Term paper What one thing do you think caused WW1? There in fact were many causes of WW1. One of the causes was imperialism. There was jealousy between the countries because some had more colonies then others. The major countries did not trust each other or get along. They were worried about the build up of each others army. Each country had great pride and nationalism. By 1914 all major countries had taken sides against one another and formed alliances. The immediate cause of WW1 was the assignation of the heir to Austria-Hungary’s throne. At the beginning of the war all countries were enthusiastic about it especially Germany. The countries were divided onto sides like so; Germany, Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria. These …show more content…

This quickly led to a government crisis because the Tsarina had been taken over by Rasputin, the man said to have the power to cure the Tsarina’s son Alexis of hemophilia. Russia was spending a lot of money on the war so they had to increase taxes. This meant that there was less food and m ore mouths to feed. Peasants started taking over landlord’s fields and crops for themselves. Lenin supported the peasants. Lenin was the leader of the soviets which was a council created of farmers and workers. The soviets created a political party called the Bolsheviks which created order #1. Order #1 said that soldiers should not listen to their generals. The new army commander, General Kornilov, wanted to put a stop to the revolutionary nonsense and wanted to replace the provisional government with a military one which would act strongly against the soviets and Bolsheviks. In the elections to the soviets the newly Bolsheviks won. This is where order #1 came into place. Lenin created eight decrees. One was the decree on peace. This decree meant that Russia was immediately pulled out of the war and the fighting would stop. When Russia was pulled from the war it greatly impacted the German strategy. Germany had divided their troops in half. Half on the eastern front fighting Russia, the other half on the western front fighting France and Great Britain. Russia pulling out of the war meant that Germany could take all the troops from the eastern front to the

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