
Waiting For Godot, By Samuel Beckett

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A play that seemingly contains nothing delivers a universally opened-ended message to all of mankind. Playwright Samuel Beckett successfully crafts the theatrical production, Waiting for Godot, which portrays nothingness through the use of dialogue, setting and plot. However, it is because of this meaninglessness and the futility of human existence as shown through the lives of the two main characters in the play that allows the audience to realize the insignificance of their own lives and therefore the senselessness of human existence in general. Beckett explores through disjointed dialogue, absence of setting and the cyclical structure the significance of meaninglessness in relation to man’s search for meaning.
The language within absurdist drama is often repetitive and useless excess jargon that holds no meaning other than to serve the purpose of misinterpretation and repetition. The characters Vladimir and Estragon often talk just for the sake of hearing their own voices even if their conversations carry absolutely no source of relevancy nor importance,
Vladimir: Moron!
Estragon: That’s the idea, let’s abuse each other.
Vladimir: Moron!
Estragon: Vermin!
Vladimir: How time flies when one has fun!
(Beckett 76-77)

By partaking in these worthless attempts towards a conversation, it becomes clear to the audience that both characters are just purely feeding the deafening void of silence that threatens to consume their existence. This highlights not only

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