
Waking up with Norma

Decent Essays

There was a last soft creak of the mattress springs as Norman rolled back to his side of the bed, retaining his hold on Norma’s hand. They lay there for some moments, staring silently at the morning sunlight that streaked the far wall.
“Well, I suppose we’d best get up,” Norma said finally, sitting up and loosing her hand from Norman’s grasp to run her fingers through her hair. Norman reached up for it, grabbed it again and brought it to his lips. She looked lovingly down at him, before abruptly whisking away the sheets encumbering her lower body and standing upright, completely nude, framed in the window. “What should you wear today, do you think, Norman? I think it might be cold, you’d better have a sweater…” And with that she walked off to putter about the closet, selecting the clothes to be worn by both of them, ever the domestic goddess.
Norman, still reluctant to leave the warmth and comfort of their shared bed, watched her as she rummaged through his shirts and sighed, his mind flashing back to but a few moments ago… Getting up was always the part of the day he hated most.
“But, Mommy, I don’t want pancakes today.”
“Well, Norrie, that’s what I made and so you’ll eat them. I don’t make breakfast just for you, you know.”
Norma tried to give Norrie – it was rather odd having two sons named Norman, but she would accept no other name for Norman’s child – a severe look, but he reminded her so much of his father – that was to be expected, though, wasn’t it? –

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