
Walmart Fraud Report

Decent Essays

On the above date and time I responded to Walmart, reference a fraud.

Upon arrival, I made contact with Walmart Loss Prevention Officers, Fabiano Estrela, and Marion Edwards. The defendant, later identified as Derrick Warren Jordan, was located in the loss prevention office with Estrela and Edwards.

Estrela advised me that he observed the defendant enter Walmart through the garden center with nothing in his possession. Estrela stated that the defendant proceeded to the shoe department, where he selected a pair of men's black sneakers.

The defendant next proceeded to customer service and successfully returns the sneakers with an old Walmart receipt. The defendant acknowledged, and signed Walmart's return slip and received a cash refund of $18.44, the value of the sneakers. …show more content…

The defendant places the cash into his vehicle that was located in the Walmart parking lot.

The defendant again entered the store and concealed several other items in his pockets and down his pants. The defendant attempted to exit the store, but he was caught and detained by both Estrela and Edwards. The defendant cooperated and agreed to wait for the police in the loss prevention office.

Estrela advised me that Walmart did not want to press charges against the defendant the second time he exited the store and concealed several items in his clothing. Estrela stated "We detained him before he actually exited all poins of sale the second time." Estrela advised me that Walmart did want to pursue criminal charges for the fraudulent return.

I then made contact with the defendant and read him his Miranda rights by my agency issued card. Post Miranda read by card the defendant stated "I did return the shoes with an old receipt, I need the money to help my dad because he just had a stroke." The defendant also admitted the the concealment of the other items and stated "I have a drug problem, I need

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