
Walt Disney Linear Perspective

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Imagineers at Disney use forced prospective and a wide array of monocular depth cues to portray different perspectives of the ‘happiest place on Earth.” Forced perspective is what makes objects appear closer, bigger, smaller, or further away from us than it actually is. Certain objects are used to make other objects appear this way, like a globe placed far in the background of the picture to make an orange appear about the same size. It all depends on your vantage point. Monocular cues are cues that allows one human eye to perceive the depth of an image that would otherwise seem flat. One monocular clue is size constancy. Size constancy means that within a certain distance from the visual perspective, the size of an object will not seem to …show more content…

Linear perspective is when lines are used to converge everything you see at one point on the horizon. Main Street U.S.A. is designed to look longer one the way in towards the castle and shorter on the way out, even though the distance is the same. This done by using linear perspective to make the angles coming in more acute and putting the horizon further away. The buildings are turned inward to achieve this. The opposite is done on the way out. Finally, we have texture gradient. Texture gradient is what makes objects appear closer together as they get further away and what makes closer objects have more detail to them. An example of this would be looking at a city skyline from a distance. All the buildings seem really close together from your perspective. But when you actually arrive in the city you will notice the buildings are actually much further apart than you perceived. You may be able to notice the individual patterns of the brick on the building next to you, but the only thing that you may be able to make out of the building a block away is that it is made of brick. At Disney, this is used to make it seem like the buildings that they paint are further off in the distance than they actually are. A building that is painted on the canvas a block away from you can be painted with less texture to seem like it is a mile away from you. This, along with other monocular cues, is what allows Disney to make its theme parks appear bigger

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