
How Did Walt Whitman Contribute To Society

Decent Essays

Whitman’s Contribution to American Identity

Walt Whitman’s portfolio of poetry was a crucial staple in the American identity. Whitman used his poetry to contribute to the evolution of self-reliance, human freedom and concepts of democracy. These influences can be seen throughout all of his poems, but more relevantly in “Song of Myself”, “For You O Democracy” and in “Live Oak, with Moss”. After analyzing these works thoroughly, Whitman has undeniably aided in the development of American identity and influenced many more American poets and literary authors. Whitman is able to influence his beliefs by creating personal connections in his poems that will resonate with his audience. During the time of Whitman, the Civil War was on the rise …show more content…

The previous quote can also be the opening for Whitman’s expression of American Politics. Throughout Whitman’s poems, he does not necessarily stick to one main point of interest, but he somehow manages to coherently combine his own personal beliefs of self-reliance with democracy. This is one of talents that allows Whitman to draw in such a broad audience, with his way of being able to bring people together with his strong opinions of equality for all.
Meena Alexander, an Indian immigrant and author of “In Whitman’s Country”, stated that “Whitman drew me here, and now I am a woman who must cast herself on the kindness of others” (para 4) This author and her writing have been so strongly inspired by Whitman’s work, almost one hundred and fifty years after his time, that she put her trust into Whitman’s arguments and moved to a new country because of her faith in his word of self-reliance on herself and the fate of humanity. This act simply screams the face of American identity. Having faith in yourself and a country, that is not even where you were born, has inspired you enough to leave your whole life behind to go to something that may not even be how you expected, is what the passion for every American should be. Whitman wanted his audience to see how important self-reliance and self-love is to for the mind and spirit. “Song of Myself” is a poem that embraces self-celebration and the welcoming of friendships from all people. By

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