
War Crimes In Iraq

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The United States committed war crimes in The war against Iraq because of the intrusion of people’s rights. “Crimes against humanity consist of murder, enslavement, deportation, and other inhuman acts committed against civilization before or during a war” (Bassiouni 1). War crimes are actions carried out during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war. Crimes against humanity have existed and customary international law for over half a century and are also evidenced in prosecution before some national courts (Bassiouni 1).

After War World II in 1945 the United States, allied developed the agreement for the persecution and punishment of the European axis (Germany, Italy, Japan). In 1948 genocide convention …show more content…

The US occupation ended in 2011 but the war continues. Those who say otherwise are either ignorant or, in keeping with the spirit of the war and the nature of its architects, wilfully deceptive. The war was built on a mountain of lies, namely the idea that Saddam Hussein had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and was therefore an imminent threat to the entire world. This was the main lie – the one used to sell the war to the UN Security Council – but there were numerous others.These include the absurd misinformation disseminated by Bush regime and reported by a compliant media that Saddam was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks. Thousands of civilians have been killed, and continue to be killed, and Iraq could not be more unstable, unsafe or disordered than it is today. The very forces that attacked the US on 9/11, used the chaos caused the invasion to gain their first foothold in Iraq and morph into what is now known as the Islamic State group. That group now controls vast areas of the country, and threatens other countries in the region and the world (Hamad …show more content…

On 9 April 2003 a statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad's Firdos square was draped in a US flag and symbolically toppled. The message was “resistance is futile”. This date was not just the beginning of Iraq's tragedy - it was the start of the darkest chapter in the modern history of the Middle East. Saddam Hussein may have been gone for 12 years, but Iraq is still no closer to finding its place on the altar of freedom. The UN says more than 1,000 people were killed and 2,172 injured last month. It estimates that more than two million Iraqis have fled their homes since January last year. The government says it will cost the country $5bn to sort out this churning of the population. the murderous spree did not start on 20 March 2003, when US missiles rained on Baghdad and other cities signalling the start of a campaign the Americans flippantly and callously referred to as "shock and awe". The USA and the UK had bullied, cajoled, bribed and intimidated the world into imposing a murderous sanctions regime on Iraq in the 1990s. They did so with the connivance and the explicit support of Arab states as punishment for Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Its effects were the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children (Holmes

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