
War On Terror Essay

Decent Essays

The goal of the War on Terror defined by President Bush is “Our war on terror begins with Al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated”. The problem with this goal is that it is unrealistic and that the definition of a terrorist varies with in countries. For example those who are labeled freedom fighters in one nation can be considered terrorists in another. People argue that there is no real enemy and that those who do a terrorist act should be handled through the Judicial System and not by the military. An example of this is the Boston bombings. Another problem with the War on Terror is that it has added about $1.7 trillion to $18 trillion onto the United States debt. It has also taken jobs away from the American people due to the fact that for every $1 billion given as a tax cut supplies a demand to create 10,779 jobs when $1 billion spent on defense creates 8,555 jobs. Meaning that for every billion we spend of defense takes away 2,224 jobs. Another thing is that due to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan people argue that President’s Bush’s true goal was to “strengthen the U.S. grip on the Middle East, turn Iraq into a military and political platform for further aggression, gain tighter control of international energy supplies, control and reshape the entire arc from North Africa to Central Asia, and strengthen the U.S. hand against rivals—current and …show more content…

It protects the United States citizens because after 9/11 the United States has gotten more serious with defense. For example restrictions on what you can bring on a plane and then going through a metal detector before entering boarding area. Another pro is that by interfering in Afghanistan and Iraq on can argue that the United States did bring some balance into the lives of the people living

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