
“War against Civilians” the Militarization of Modern Police

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“War against Civilians” the Militarization of Modern Police Since the creation of the Constitution of the United States, Americans have been promised many rights. Most importantly, civilians were promised protection by modern day police officers. The 14th amendment states, "no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." In the last couple of years there has been an increase in violence presented by our police officers in the line of duty. The government decided that our police forces need military training to keep up with the increase of criminal acts in America. This started the creation of many special task forces. Many Americans believe that this is great and feel much safer, but other …show more content…

Our federal governments are financially supporting these raids, but are they necessary? Do we have the money to support over-time and equipment for all of these raids? Since S.W.A.T. started this “drug war”, they have begun no knock raids into criminal’s homes with low misdemeanor charges. (Balko) The S.W.A.T. team’s intent was to secure any drugs Civilians might possibly have. The fact is that we are supposed to use them in high level and dangerous drug apprehensions, not walking into someone’s home hoping they find something. In some of these cases, there were incidents that affected the lives of innocent civilians. In 2006, Atlanta Georgia’s S.W.A.T. team raided the home of 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston where she was shot and killed. After the shooting occurred, investigators discovered they, in fact, invaded the wrong home and she died for no particular reason except the mistake of a low criminal raid. This would go on to be only one of a dozen cases like it in one year. (Balko)
Post 9/11 created a noticeable change from what we consider normal police, to what is considered militarized. The White House 's National Strategy for Combating Terrorism confidently announced that the United States had "broken old orthodoxies that once confined our counterterrorism efforts primarily to the criminal justice domain." (Rizer) This shift appears to be permanent in 2006. Since then, there has been mixed

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