
Was Christopher Columbus A Hero

Decent Essays

This essay is going to be based on a few view points of Christopher Columbus. Some people might believe that Columbus was a hero because he discovered a new world. Others believe that he was greedy because he took over the Taino island. Some people even believe that he was a lucky adventurer since he never even meant to reach the Taino islands in the first place. Some people believe that Christopher Columbus was a hero. Some people thought this because He had absolutely no formal schooling. The only information that he got was from books about the shape of the world and sailing. Since he had no formal schooling some people believe that it is even more extraordinary because he was so determined to do this and he didn’t really have any good idea of what other places he might find. He was trying for six years straight! He went to many Kings and Queens and tried to get them to sponsor him, to give him the money so that he could do this. He didn’t give up. Some believe that it was his thirst for knowledge. They don’t think that there would be another reasoning to why he would try for six years. He did this on the strength of his ambition. People believe that he discovered a whole new world. That if he hadn’t found this place, nothing in history would have happened. He thought that the natives were Indians so that is what he called them. He had no idea that he was not where he wanted to be. In conclusion, These people believed that Columbus was a hero because he claimed islands

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