
Was Julius Caesar A Tyrant

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Just imagine, Caesar was a person who was a first a reformer, but developed the qualities of a tyrant. Caesars life had ended with him being a tyrant. He ended up more concerned about his power and image than the positive reform of his nation. Although Caesar did have good intentions and positive impact on Rome, He was way too concerned about himself and was rather being a king than a leader how would you then think of him; would you really want this person taking control of your country? I know I wouldn’t. Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12, 100 BC. Caesars father that was a politician was named Gaius and his mother was named Aurelia. Caesar grew up fairly wealthy.(Caesar’s Rise to Power, 2) Caesar was one of the most influential people of all times, for example He had the power to make 15-25% of the world’s population under his control furthermore, Due to Caesars rise to power; he had massive implications for so many people and history. (Caesar’s Rise to Power, 1) Beginning Caesars carrier in his adolescent years, Caesar started off on a dangerous footing by forming connections with Marius supporters that particularly with his marriage to the daughter of a Marius …show more content…

Caesar believed that the only government suited to Rome was a democratic monarchy (Caesars political reforms,1 )he decided to invade and take control of Rome. Him and his army marched on Rome and seized it, but formally he reconstructed Rome into instead of roman republic being ruled by the senate and consuls he decided to make it into roman republic ruled by one man. Meaning he would be staying in power and chose the consuls himself (Caesar’s Rise to Power, 5) following this further, Caesar continued to rule, but he also convinced the powerless senate to declare him director for life and tried to win over any enemies. (Caesar’s Rise to Power,

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