
Was Odysseus Not Justified Essay

Decent Essays

What kind of human kills for their own good? In the bloody journey of the Odyssey many men were killed by the hands of Odysseus himself. A lot of the men that died were killed by Odysseus but there was a good number of them that were killed by the actions Odysseus made. When it comes down to it Odysseus was wrong for killing the suitors. Odysseus killed the suitors out of his own insecurity, selfishness, and of course out of rage for what was done to him. But what was Odysseus expecting after being gone for 10 years? For everyone to just hold off on their lives just to wait to see if he will be coming back? Odysseus’ actions were not justified. For Instance, Odysseus was very much insecure about the relationship him and his wife had. …show more content…

Odysseus tells his son Telemachus to hide all of the suitors’ weapons, “Telemachus, we must hide every single weapon and piece of amour” (Odyssey, Book 19, line 4). Odysseus told Telemachus “When the Suitors miss them and question you, you must lull their suspicions with some plausible tale. You can say: I have rescued them from the smoke, since they look quite different from when Odysseus left them and sailed for Troy.” (Odyssey, Book 19, line 4-8). By Odysseus asking Telemachus to hide the weapons and amour it give him an unfair fight against the suitor. When it comes time for the battle the suitors will have nothing to defend themselves with. Odysseus is upset at the suitors because of everything they did while he was away at the Trojan War, and how the suitors were plotting to kill his son, but Odysseus is doing the same thing. And if Odysseus was the great hero said to be, he wouldn’t have to need the unfair advantage he gave himself by hiding the weapons. This is another reason of why Odysseus’ actions were not …show more content…

Eurymachus promised Odysseus that if he does not kill them they will give back to him have they have taken while he was gone plus more. Eurymachus told Odysseus “So spare us, who are your own people. And afterward we will make amends to you by a public levy for all the food and drink that has been consumed in your house. We will each bring a contribution to the value of twenty oxen, and repay you in bronze and gold, till your heart softens. Meanwhile, no one could blame you for your anger.”(Odyssey, Book 22, line 54-59). The Suitors are willing to pay Odysseus for everything they have done plus more, but he does not accept their payment whatsoever. Odysseus said “Eurymachus, not if you made over all your patrimony to me, everything you possess, and anything else that may come your way, would I keep my hands from killing until you Suitors had paid for all your transgressions. The choice now lies before you, either to face me and fight, or else to run and see if you can escape death and doom, though I do not think any of you will get away alive.”(Odyssey, Book 22, line 60-67). Odysseus’ mind is made up. He does not care what the suitors have to say he is going to kill them even though the suitors are willing to ask for forgiveness, but that’s not enough for Odysseus and he proceeds to kill all of them. Eurymachus see that and speaks up “My friends, this man will not refrain

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