
Washington Dc For A Nation Youth Leadership Forum On National Security

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Ever since I entered high school I have been interested in working for a federal law enforcement agency. I have been to Washington DC for a Nation Youth Leadership Forum on National Security, and have had the chance to meet many people from different agencies. Being able to talk to these people about their jobs only increased my interest in this field of work. When thinking about what I want to do in the future I would like to work as a special agent. Almost every federal agency has careers that would allow me to do such work. The FBI, DEA and ATF are just a few of the agencies that employ my subject. For this assignment I went and interviewed an agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The ATF provides …show more content…

The ATF also has three sets of values; the first is to value their people and the people that they serve, secondly they value partnerships that promote safety in the community and finally they value integrity, diversity, commitment and excellence. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, n.d.) In order for the ATF to measure their performance they developed a performance index to measure the ten core functions that the ATF has. Those core functions include: Illegal firearms trafficking; firearms criminal possession and use; firearms industry operations; criminal groups and gangs; explosives, bombs and bombings; explosives industry operations; fire and arson; alcohol and tobacco; modernizations and finally work force. The way the index works is by giving weight to each core functions and doing an objective calculation. (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 2010) Each year the ATF has to submit a Congressional Budget for a fiscal year. For example when looking at the submission for the fiscal year 2014 they have included a summary of program changes, decision unit justification and performance. In 2014 the ATF requested a total of $1,229,518,000. This budget request includes 5,192 positions a net adjustment-to-base and include an increase in budget of $73,078,000 in order to support the President’s National Gun Safety Initiative. (Bureau of Alcohol,

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