
Waste Pollution

Satisfactory Essays

Checked pipes for leaks.
Shorter showers.
Tightly turned off water faucets so it did not drip.
Throwed tissue in the trash rather than flushing it down the toilet. Loaded my dishwasher properly. Turned off water while brushing my teeth.
Turned off water while washing my hands.
Went to a carwash that recycles water.
Filled up the sink with water, instead of letting it run the whole time I wash each dish. Less laundry.

The number one waste pollution problem faced by the United States is garbage waste. Garbage causes damage to local ecosystems, and it is a threat to plant and animal life. In today's society, many people throw away items without thinking about it; such as throwing away old items without thinking about the impact it will have on the environment. Although garbage is a source of food for many animals, most garbage in the U.S end up in landfills. Garbage is either burned or buried, but neither is good for humans or the environment. The impact of burying and burning garbage increases global warming, air pollution, and chemicals contaminating soil. Garbage can have serious impacts on the environment when it is not properly disposed such as burning it. Burning garbage in the U.S is extremely dangerous to the environment and a person's health. When garbage is burned it produces harmful gases which is why garbage pollution is the primary cause for different bacterial diseases. Most people burn trash in their back yards creating air pollution, which is

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