
Water Is Life : Water Is Life In The World

Decent Essays

Earth truly is an amazing planet, it hosts vast amounts of diverse species and variety of environments that makes life possible, livable and scientifically, the reason why we are here today. We, humans with our advancements in science and technology, have the ability to create the genetic materials in replacement for natural ones, develop cures for diseases, learn and communicate with a touch of our fingertips, the capability to build complex air shuttles that can explore to outer space and soon to land and study a planet different from ours. As we gain more knowledge about life outside earth, one of the main elements scientist look for when examining and exploring a possible substitute for our dear planets is water. “Water is life. It's the briny broth of our origins, the pounding circulatory system of the world, a precarious molecular edge on which we survive. It makes up two-thirds of our bodies, just like the map of the world; our vital fluids are saline, like the ocean. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.” (Water Is Life, 2017) For this reason, the element that I selected from the material cycle that we have studied is water. Water is essential to life, I think we can all agree with this statement. That said, people living in an urbanized community, water is considered merely as a utility. Even drought affected areas, countless surrounding residents still take water for granted. “I think one reason why you end up with this distance about water is that if the

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