
Water Quality And Contamination Of Drinking Water

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Water Quality and Contamination


Body Paragraph #1 - Background: Humans use about 75 gallons of water a day for activities, such as cooking, cleaning, bathing, and laundry. Not only do we use water for our own well-being but we also use water to keep animals that we eat healthy and maintain vehicles that we drive on an everyday basis. Only three percent of the water on earth is suitable for drinking, where two percent of water is found only in glaciers and ice and one percent of the world’s water is accessible and drinkable. The majority of the human body is compromised of water. “An adequate supply of safe drinking water is one of the major prerequisites for a healthy life…(Fawell and Nieuwenhuijsen 2003) The quality of drinking water and possible associated health risks vary throughout the world with some regions showing, for example, high levels of arsenic, fluoride or contamination of drinking water by pathogens, whereas elsewhere these are very low and no problem.”

Body Paragraph # 2 - Objective: The purpose of this experiment is to compare the effect of plant growth and biodiversity. I want to know the effect that water has on growth when it is contaminated, purified, or at its original state. With water being the major prerequisites to a healthy life I want to know what would happen to me or other species if I were to drink contaminated water or continue to drink the bottled purified water instead of drinking tap water.

Body Paragraph # 3 -

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