
We Wear The Mask Essay

Decent Essays

I am a big fan of poetry but it came as a bit of surprise to me how unexperienced I am with such deep sorrow in so few words. It isn’t that I haven’t read anything tragic, far from it, but I think as prettily moving as some of the words can be, they are still just words and they often lack such well known context behind them. After reading the page on Jim Crow I immediately opened the book and began this week’s readings. I did not know about the blackface that blacks themselves sometimes wore while performing in those humiliating plays. While reading the poem, “We Wear the Mask” by Paul Laurence Dunbar, I was taken aback by how connected it was to what I just read. It shows just a glimpse into the deep wounds that were left by the stereotypical depictions of black caricatures. Dunbar uses specific language to get straight to the point with the very first line of the poem, “we wear the mask, that grins and lies” ( ). His quick use of the word mask, is as much literal as it is metaphorical. Whether behind a painted face, a physical mask or just a smile, the person is concealing part of themselves. The line, “we smile but O great Christ our cries”, was the most gut-wrenching for me to read. I could hear the torment …show more content…

The title alone suggests to the reader that death is being called upon. The poem invokes in the reader images of more than just death; such as birds singing and children waiting for school with the lines, “Whah the little birds in spring, Ust to come and drink an’ sing”, ( ). What is most interesting, is as sweet as that imagery is, it still leads to the long rest of death. I have heard people say that when your time is coming to an end, you will think upon those moments you enjoyed most; like the solace of the birds singing, or the happiness that only a child could bring. I wondered about those thoughts for a bit after I was done with this

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