
Weakness In The Crucible

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The crucible was a very interesting and a mixture of everything kind of play. There’s a statement that describes of how thrilling the crucible is, “The crucible is essentially about courage, weakness and truth”. I totally agree with the statement and it’s true so I’ve got evidence and examples to prove the statement’s credibility. First of all, the characters got the courage and confidence to face every awful truth, with the exception of John Proctor’s affair with Abigail but I believe that he suffered from guilt, he was willing to have a challenge with the court and the religious authorities when he saw that they are missing the truth of everything that’s going around. Elizabeth was also very courageous and always try to stuck to the truth no matter the consequences except for once when she lied to protect John’s life from adultery charges. Also on of the sad and touching moments of how can someone be brave when Giles Corey was threatened to death in a violent manner but he kept his strength and until the very end, in act four Giles Corey was laying down with a tender smile on his face he says only two words as they said, “More Weight” And died, it signaled his strength. Also Mary warren was …show more content…

And Elizabeth’s weakness was thinking that she couldn't compete with the young Abigail. Parris is a clear example of weakness too, he would rather blame the girls behavior on the devil and witchcraft than think critically about Salem's way of life. He never thought that maybe the girls are trying to send a message to help them. They were rebelling against Salem

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