
Wealth Inequality In America Analysis

Decent Essays

Making the Ladder More Accessible for The Poor Class After watching the video Wealth Inequality in America (2012) and reading the article Apple’s Retail Army, Long on Loyalty but short on Pay by David Segal (2012), I started reflecting on how blind we have become to the conception of America’s growing economy. While the social stratification is an ideal ladder, for the poor to middle classes to seek for economical growth to reach the top, the wealth class. There’s a misconception on how corporations are helping society’s economic growth. While growing in value for its shareholders, corporations are rising inequality among the workplace. The reality of an uneven economy is notorious for the poor, yet its magnitude is not imaginable by many. President Barack Obama has tried to address this issue with a proposal of raising …show more content…

Where from the poor to the wealth class its growing is like the side of a pyramid. But one of the main problems begins with the inequality of opportunities in the workplace. As an example Apple, Inc, a company which produces thousands of dollars each year, but its employees are just given a little more than the minimum wage with no commission. A perfect salary for someone who doesn’t have a family and requires very low maintenance. Yet, Apple, Inc keeps launching new products and growing in value, where the employees are taught how to sell them in a way that the customer feels appreciated. But the company doesn’t apply its same teaching to treat its employees, as they must accept that they are given an opportunity in a worldwide known company and there’s more solicitors for the position. Employees are expected to last couple of years as there’s no professional growth. This a clear example that the poor class must settle for a low wage, but isn’t given the opportunity to go up the

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