
Weight Obsession Affects Millions Of Teenagers Today

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Introduction Weight obsession affects millions of teenagers today, especially girls. At any given time, one out of every seven women has or is struggling with an eating disorder. One study a few years ago found that 36% of adolescent girls believed they were overweight while 59% were trying to lose weight ("Eating Disorders in Teens," n.d.). Up to 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder (anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder) in the United States. Ninety-five percent of those who have eating disorders are between the ages of 12 and 25 (ANAD, 2015). Influenced by media and peers, people are being diagnosed with an eating disorder younger and younger. Forty-two percent of 1st-3rd grade girls want to be thinner and 81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness (Stewart, 2013). With these current statistics, it is evident that help is needed. We will explore the major types of eating disorders, the causes, the symptoms of eating disorders in adolescents, and effective treatment options available.
Although there are many types of eating disorders recognized in the medical field, there are three major types. The first is anorexia nervosa. This is a distorted body image that causes people to see themselves as overweight even when they are really thin. Refusing to eat, exercising compulsively, and will usually refuse to eat in front of others, they

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