
Weimar Republic Vs Germany Essay

Decent Essays

The Weimar Republic and Germany’s response which followed it are both stages of Germany’s intricate history that cannot be understood on their own. Both periods of Germany’s history have a commonality in their being brought on by the rippling effects of the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty was imposed on the German Empire at the final stages of the first World War. In an irregular way, considering the weight of the treaty, the Treaty of Versailles was signed among a group of national leaders which lacked German representation; this non-German group of people, in a single day, wrongly castrated Germany. Ignited by the reactions to the assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary, Franz Ferdinand, the first World War was a war much unlike the wars before it. For the first time in world history, war ascended from a matter between two or so bickering nations to a pancontinental struggle resulting in a degree of devastation not seen in the past. Due to the complicated and tangled alliance system put into place by the German statesman, Otto Von Bismarck, the combatants of the war were divided into two opposing factions: The Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Among the Allied Powers were nations such as France, the British Empire, Italy, Russia, and the United States of America. On the Allied Power’s opposition, …show more content…

A wrongful assumption of guilt went from merely being a national humiliation, which is still not a small matter, to causing the plight felt by the German people in the Weimar Republic, where inflation rates rose to unimaginable levels and the historic German culture was turned inside-out. The effects of the false assumption of guilt within the Treaty of Versailles not only plagued the German people in the short years after the first World War, but it plagued them for

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