
Essay about Well Planned, Well Executed

Good Essays

Well Planned, Well Executed

“The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge”(77). The short stories main character, Montresor, gave this quote to an unknown person about his adversary, Fortunato. Montresor swears to himself that he will take revenge on Fortunato. The Cask of Amontillado, written by Edgar Allen Poe, tells the story how Montresor lures Fortunato to the catacombs to implement his plan. Montresor’s revenge is premeditated, in hopes of successfully murdering Fortunato.
Montresor relies on Fortunato’s knowledge of wine to lure him to his wine cellar. When Montresor finds …show more content…

Montresor, in preparation for this visit to the wine vaults with Fortunato, manipulated his staff so that no one would be at the house, no one but he and Fortunato. “There were no attendants at home; they had absconded to make merry in honour of the time. I had told them that I should not return until morning, and had given them explicit orders not to stir from the house. These orders were sufficient, I well knew, to insure their immediate disappearance...”(79). Montresor knew that if he told his servants not to leave, they would be gone the minute that Montresor left.
To ensure Fortunato is not thinking clearly enough to suspect any foul play, Montresor gets Fortunato to drink Medoc, a French wine, to keep him intoxicated. Montresor gives Fortunato the French wine on more than one occasion. First, when they enter the vaults, “A draught of this Medoc will defend us from the damp.”(79). However, the second time Fortunato tells Montresor that he would like another drink from of the wine. “But first, another draught of Medoc”(80). Montresor immediately gives him another drink, and Fortunato finishes his drink without hesitation. Having Fortunato intoxicated helps Montresor to get him into the chains before Fortunato will know what is happening to him.
A moment more and I had fettered him to the granite. In its surface

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