
Western Civilization Of Daily Life In Ancient Rome

Decent Essays

Welch 1

Our Western Civilization course covers a general survey of the social, economic, cultural and Political forces that have helped shape the Western variety of civilization in the premodern era. Particular emphasis is placed on the role of cross-cultural diffusion in the evolution and development of Middle Asian, Greek, Roman, and Medieval-European structural variants. This paper will discuss areas of Daily Life in Ancient Rome that will include women’s conflicting roles, Roman marriage, and family. Women’s roles would include activities and family roles. According to Hylen, there were contradictions of women’s roles: …show more content…

On the one hand the basic cultural assumption was that women were inferior to men and should obey their husbands or fathers. On the other hand, the glimpses of women’s lives that the scattered evidence allows show women engaged in commerce, heading households, and influencing politics, both with and without their husband’s participation Scholars who read these texts as products of their culture make interpretive decisions about how to understand this contradictory picture, and how to situate the texts within it. Women were expected to exhibit the virtues of modesty, industry and loyalty to family. However, these virtues did not exist as a whole, but were negotiated and embodied differently by different women under changing

Welch 2 circumstances. Inhabiting these virtues led women to embrace a wide variety of social and familial roles

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