
Western Roman Empire Research Paper

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The Western Roman Empire had its light for ____ years, and grew to be the greatest empire of the time. but four major factors contributed to its great downfall. Political issues caused uncivilized actions, economic problems created famine, deadly diseases plagued thousands, and to end it all foreign invaders burned Rome down. Political problems were one of the contributing reasons for the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Over 30 emperors ruled in a small period of 100 years. Most were unfit, greedy, and cruel. They only inherited the throne because their father was a former emperor, and because there was no system to replace an emperor. When the higher class, the Patricians, did not like the emperor, they would pay the Praetorian Guard, the secret service of the Roman Empire, to assassinate the emperor. The Praetorian Guard would also assassinate the emperor to gain a higher position. Because of there being no better replacement system, Civil Wars broke out in Rome. Legions fought legions, citizens revolted against the Government that was falling apart, the poor living conditions, and the high taxes. …show more content…

It first started when Legions demanded an increase in their salaries. Therefor citizens taxes were increased. Rome kept importing more than they were exporting, which caused a large fall in economic growth. And a trade problem on the Mediterranean Sea were pirates, pirates stole their trade, resources, and their ships. This made the taxes on imported goods, tariffs, rise. Because of lack of gold being imported into Rome because there was less gold found in the mines, the government put less gold in the coins. Because of the coin production going down, and this, the prices went up and the value went down. This is called inflation. Instead of exchanging a product for money, people were bartering. Farming decreased, famine rose, many people died because of lack of food, and mobs developed in main centers of

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