
What Are Generally Accepted Accounting Principles?

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The case centers on actual events that occurred in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans from 2001 to 2009. In 2008, the archdiocese announced that it had lost more than $100 million as a result of Hurricane Katrina — because insurance failed to cover all its property losses. Those losses had no bearing on the parish a closure, the church says. Not all the faithful are convinced. Later released prospectus indicated that the Archdiocese paid over $10 million directly from its own assets to settle claims of sexual abuse, and these payments were not part of financial statement or notes. Due to unauthorized expenditure parishioners and media questioned about Good Counsel’s. Good Counsel’s parishioners were very disappointed because they heard news about its closing. They didn’t accept clarification that is provided by archdiocese. They felt that Good Counsel’s was solvent so they wanted to close it for finance repairs.

1. What are generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP)? Has the Financial Report in Exhibit 3 been prepared in accordance with GAAP?
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are the standard structure of the guideline for financial accounting. GAAP contain balance sheet item sorting, share measurement and revenue recognition, organizations need to carefully scan their financial statement when they use GAAP. When accountants record and summarize financial statement, they need to apply these standards into their work. The Financial

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