
What Are Some Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson

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Everyone should be prepared for the unexpected in life because not everything is going to be like we expect. The short story “The Lottery” Shirley Jackson starts as a regular day in June. A series of events lead up to someone being stoned to death by the entire village. Shirley Jackson uses foreshadowing throughout the story to hint at the unexpected ending. In the beginning of the story “The Lottery” the author uses foreshadowing to hint at the unexpected ending of the story. In the text it says, “ Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones and the other boys soon followed his example.” This demonstrates that the boys know the tradition in their village, were they kill one person that has the black dot on their paper. They also know that someone in their village is going to be killed by stones so they need to prepare for the slaughter before the drawings start. Through foreshadowing Jackson shows why all the kids were collecting rocks, filling their pockets with them and making rock piles. …show more content…

In the text it says, “Watson boy drawing this year.” “I’m drawing for m’mother and me.” This is suspicious because every family in the village is having the men of the family do all the lottery drawing but Mr.Summers who is the lottery official asks the boy from the Watson family to do the drawing. This means that his father was last years victim of the lottery because Mr.Summers says “this year” which means Mr.Watson must have done the drawing last year and had been picked. When the Watson boy says that he is the one drawing he also says he is only picking for his mother and him. This means the boy’s father is no longer in the village or else he would be at the lottery. Through foreshadowing Jackson proves that someone gets killed every year at the end of the

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