
What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Bond?

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Bond can be classify as fixed-income securities where is provide the coupon rate that maintain our return in future. Bond defines as debt investment which the surplus unit is lend their money to deficit unit for them to borrow at specific time frame and fixed coupon payment. Normally bond is issued by the company that has low fund for funding the new project. Bond normally will issued with coupon payment and at the end of the period the issuer of the bond will paid back to bondholder the bond principle and coupon payment at maturity date of the bond. Bond can be issue whether government or corporate. Normally corporate bond will give higher coupon payment because the risk is high but different for government bond like Treasury bond because …show more content…

This strategy is belief of efficient market with little to no pricing in efficiencies. This strategy also find out the matching the return in the market. Index fund is use to imitate or sampling method for track the performance of the target index. This strategy is done for achieving the lower turnover cost, has the lower management fees, good in diversification of investment and provides the huge market exposure. The example index normally uses in index fund Standard & Poor’s 500 Index, Russell 2000, DJ Wilshire 5000, MSCI EAFE, and Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond …show more content…

The pros for passive management is indicates the lower cost for implementation. The cost for passive management is lower compare to active strategy. It also gives meaningful and specific incremental advantage to the investor. Other than that, it also can reduce the uncertainty of decision error that made by investor. There are so many risks that associated with investment for example market risk and many more but can be overcome by the passive management strategy. The passive management strategy is also very tax efficiency because it involve less trading and which are fairly stable when it use the

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