
What Are The Causes Of The Battle Of Gettysburg

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New troops were arriving into battle, Howard's corps went north of Gettysburg to face Ewell's Confederates arriving from Carlisle and York. By midday, 24,000 Confederates faced about 19,000 Yankees in a course curving from Seminary Ridge to Oak Ridge, north of town. As Ewell's brigades were forming a wedge into Howard's front, General Lee reached the battlefield. Howard's troops collapsed and in a panic the troops fell back through the streets of Gettysburg. The First Corps also began to withdraw, about 7,000 men cleared the outskirts of town and reached the commanding high ground to the south. On Culp's Hill and Cemetery Hill, the Federals held the defense and waited for a renewed attack. Out of the chaos, Senior General, Winfield Scott

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