The Vietnamese War had no certain beginning. It was known as the second Indochina was and it took place throughout Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. This war lasted for about twenty years, which basically made it the longest war in U.S. history. While the war had no certain beginning, it was estimated to have begun around November 1995. The war then ended to the Fall of Saigon on April 30, 1973.
The U.S. gradually entered the Vietnam War during the 1950 to 1965 due to their belief in the communist spread. Towards the beginning of 1961, the number of U.S. troops dropped from 543,000 to 157,000. This eventually led to the activeness in South Vietnam. The decrease in the number of American troops was indeed a set back for the U.S. army because this
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The Vietnamese Nationalist won Victory over French forces in 1954. The violence and causes of the Vietnam War actually derived from the cold war. The main reason for the Vietnam War was spread of the belief in Communism all around South Asia. Neither the Soviet Union nor the US had the chance of risking war against one another. Before World War two, Vietnam was actually a part of the French Empire. While the war was going on, Vietnam was run by Japanese. When the Japanese had finally withdrew, the Vietnamese decided to move forward and initiate their own land with the leader called Ho Chi …show more content…
forces in 1973 and the unification of Vietnam under Communist control for two years which put a stop to the battle. The enemy was hard to identify because the war was not fought between straight army forces. Huge bombing operations hit their targets, but did not succeed at making the North Vietnamese comply. After the war ended, Allies handed South Vietnam to the French, while the North was in hands of Noncommunist Chinese. The Chinese however treated the North Vietnamese terribly. The French offered the north independence so they could take there side. Soon there was a new leader called Bao Dai. The French loss of the Vietnam war was during the time that the Korean War had ended. Toward the end of the war, Japanese promoted the Vietnamese and gave them independence. The capturing of Saigon by N-Vietnamese is what put an ending to the war. And the year later South and North Vietnam had been reunified. Although the war was really long, costed major money and fatalities, it had finally been
The Vietnam War was one of the longest wars in modern history, which begun in 1954 and ended in 1975. Within 21 years, 1,450,000 lives were lost and tragedy was bought to Vietnam. The war was between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese, and the armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States. War broke out due to the North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong wanting to rejoin Vietnam under the communist rule. In order to achieve this, they saw that war was a necessity. South Vietnam remained a democratic nation so U.S.A strongly supported them, fighting to protect its sovereignty. That was the reason why the US fought the Vietnam War on the side
The Vietnam war did not officially start until the 1950's. This is when the U.S. started sending in troops. Before then the French had been trying to conquer what was then called Indochina. They began their conquest in 1859, by 1888 they had turned the area that is now called Vietnam and Cambodia into the Colony of French Indochina. This was challenged many times by different uprisings but none worked as well as the Viet Minh common front( this was controlled by the Vietnamese communist party). During WWII the French were defeated by the Germans. This severely weakened their authority in Vietnam. In 1940 the Japanese invaded and
The Vietnam war, also called the Indochina War , may be said to have started in 1957 when Communist-led rebels began mounting terrorists attacks against the government of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). The rebel forces, commonly called the Vietcong, were later aided by troops of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam). American combat personnel were formally committed to the defense of the South in 1965. An agreement calling for a ceasefire was signed in January 1973, and by March the few remaining U.S. millitary personnel in Vietnam were withdrawn. However, the war between the two Vietnamese sides persisted inconclusively for two additional years before South Vietnamese resistance
The Vietnam War and active United States involvement in the war began in 1954, although the ongoing conflict in the region had stretched back several decades. It wasn’t until 1965 that President Johnson, with the support of the general public, decided to deploy US combat forces to battle in Vietnam. Eventually, 82,000 combat troops were stationed in Vietnam, and soon military leaders were calling for 175,000 more men by the end of 1965 to help aid the struggling South Vietnamese army. Disregarding
The Vietnam War was the longest war in the history of the United States it lasted from 1959-1975. Billions of dollars was spent trying to win and unwinnable war. Countless of lives were lost and America failed to achieve its objective. The origins of the war stem from the Indochina wars that occurred in the late 40s and early 50s. After many years of colonial war, the Viet Minh a communist group led by Ho Chi Minh sought independence for Vietnam. The French were not reluctant to let go of their crowning jewel without a fight. The French were aided militarily by the Unites States who sought the membership of France to the NATO and were willingly to provide as much aid to ensure that they won the war and Vietnam did not fall to communism. This led to an eight year war which culminated with the defeat of the French at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu. A cease fire was issued and peace agreements known as the Geneva Accords where drawn during the 1954 Geneva Conference. The agreement issued a temporary division of Vietnam along the 17th parallel which created a Communist North Vietnam led by Ho Chi Minh and a democratic South Vietnam led by prime minister Ngo Dinh Diem. Vietnam was supposed to unify after the nationwide election of 1956 which Diem refuse to acknowledge.
This task I am going explain the process of distributing goods through different channels from the manufacturer to the customers. The term distribution means the process of delivering, storing and selling goods, so that they can be used by customers. (Source- Intermediate Retail and Distribution, Delivering is about what types of transport which are used to carrying and delivering goods, the types of transport is going to be Rail, Road, Air, Water for example rivers, ocean cargo and canals and People. Storing is about where the goods are going to come from and where they are going to be stored. Selling is going to be where you are going to sell the goods
The Vietnam War, (also known as the Second Indochina War, the American War in Vietnam and the Vietnam Conflict,) occurred from 1959 to April 30, 1975, concluding with the North Vietnamese military victory after more than 15 years. The Vietnam War is a combat under the cold War. It is a civil war in the Vietnam country. Under the terms of the 1954 peace treaty, the aims were to unite Vietnam and election to be held within 2 years. However, the Americans led by President Eisenhower were concerned that the Communists might win, so Diem set up the Republic of South Vietnam.
The United States fought the Vietnam War for around two whole decades. Starting in the year of 1954 and not ending until 1975. In the history of war fare that the United States has been involved in, it is one of the longest conflicts the nation has participated in.
Vietnam War’s leading cause was the Indochina War. Many countries tried to seize control of Vietnam, leading to many conflicts. For a long period of time Indochina was overrun by the French, which was a region of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. They continued to have power over the country until the World War 2. Japan invaded but their power was short-lived due to the defeat of the war. Emperor Bao who was a French leader then took control of Indochina. The communist political leader named Ho Chi Minh decided it was time to take action and sent his army known as the Viet Minh to attack a northern city called Hanoi. Winning the battle in 1945 Ho Chi Minh became president, created Hanoi as capital and announced the Democratic Republic of Vietnam.
The Vietnam War was one of the most unpopular wars in America's history. The war was began out of fear of communism spreading in Europe and Asia. The war started in 1954 with the victory at Dien Bien Phu leading to the end of French rule in Vietnam. At the Geneva Convention a treaty was signed in July splitting Vietnam into North and South Vietnam by the 17th parallel. This made it so the North was more influenced by communists and the South ran a democratic government lead by Ngo Dinh Diem.
The Vietnam War was a long war in Vietnam. The war started from the effects of the Cold War, and the fact that Americans had no intentions of letting communism spread over the rest of the country and south East Asia. It was the North of Vietnam with its southern allies the Viet Cong against South Vietnam and the United States. The war started because the U.S. and South Vietnam didn’t want the communist to take over the country and the rest of East Asia. The conflicts began in mid 1940’s, the war started in 1954, 500,000 U.S. soldiers were involved in 1969, President Nixon ordered soldiers to return to the U.S. in 1973, War ended in 1975. The people fighting in the war were North Vietnam with the Viet Cong (southern allies), against south Vietnam
Dress Code: Company X requires business casual dress Monday through Thursday each work week. Appropriate dress Monday through Friday includes slacks, khakis, corduroys, skirts or dresses no more than 3” above the knee, capris, polo collar knit or golf shirts, short-sleeve blouses or shirts, oxford shirts, jackets or sweaters, turtlenecks, company logo wear, sport coats, blazers, dress shoes, casual heels, and open-back shoes. Inappropriate items Monday through Friday include leggings, sweatpants, exercise wear, shorts, jeans, skirts or dresses more than 3” above the knee, low cut blouses showing cleavage, shirts with writing (other than company logo), beachwear, t-shirts, sweatshirts, sleeveless blouses or shirts, crop tops, clothing showing midriffs, spaghetti straps. * Friday is considered casual day, on which jeans and tennis shoes will be allowed. All other dress code rules remain in effect on Friday’s. If you are unsure about an item of clothing, please check with management for approval before wearing said item to work.
The Vietnam War escalated from a Vietnamese civil war into a limited international conflict, in which the United States was deeply involved. The Vietnam War was fought in South Vietnam between government forces aided by the United States and guerilla forces aided by the North Vietnamese. Despite increased American military involvement and signed peace agreements in 1973, the Vietnam War did not end until North Vietnam's successful invasion of South Vietnam in 1975. The Vietnam War may have been the longest war in American history, but after South Vietnam collapsed, America was left to question their highly controversial involvement in a lost cause.
The Vietnam War began in 1954 and came to an end in 1975. It was a conflict that set in opposition the communist regime of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong
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