
What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Patriot Act

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Arguments Although the USA PATRIOT Act was passed almost unanimously, it faced major criticism from the public and national organizations. Many civil rights activists worried that the new law went too far and hindered American’s privacy. They feared the new provisions would be used too much for ordinary crimes and many innocent people would be monitored and become suspects (“George W. Bush Signs the Patriot Act”). Violates the First Amendment Since the passing of the Patriot Act, opposition has argued that this violates a person’s first amendment freedoms by searching personal records such as internet searches and library habits. In reality, federal investigators have no interest in the personal habits of ordinary American citizens. They are only concerned with those that are suspected of terrorism. Records are only obtained with permission from a federal judge and only when sufficient evidence is provided for monitoring. This aspect …show more content…

Time is one of the most important aspects in terrorism cases and many sections of the Patriot Act allowed for quicker investigations and arrests. “Prevention of terrorist attacks is one of our highest priorities. With the President’s lead, information sharing and cooperation has vastly increased. Today, we are better able to ‘connect the dots’” (“The USA PATRIOT Act: Myth vs. Reality”). Despite the criticism, the United States people agreed the act was appropriate. 60% of people said that the Bush administration was “about right” in restricting civil liberties to fight terrorism. Only 11% said they went too far and even 25% said the new laws did not go far enough (“The Patriot Act”). Most of the Patriot Act has since expired, but it molded the future and the way terrorism cases are investigated in order to better protect the American

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