
What Can Talking About An Issue Do?

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What can talking about an issue do? The play Clybourne Park is a great example of not shying away from racial issues in literature. But it could also be deemed too controversial and overdone by some. Based off the play A Raisin in the Sun, it seeks to show the other side of the community from their perspective. The tensions between Russ’ family and the community are brought to light during the course of the play. His son had committed suicide after returning from Korea and this tragedy left a huge hole of hurt in their family. At first everyone pretends and hides their true feelings, just like the suitcase containing the suicide note left by their son had been locked. But as the conversation gets more heated the pretense-bubble bursts and the chaos is revealed. In this midst of this chaos, the issue of race is used as a basis to drive the play forward, not in the sense of resolution but realization. One of the main purposes of this play is to stir up the minds of the audience in a very blatant manner. Some sections might have been overdone, but the overall message was sent across. Is racism still a problem today as it was in the sixties? Ignoring it and hoping it goes away does not solve anything. It is suggested that one reads the play by Lorrain Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun since it serves as the inspiration for Clybourne Park. But even without doing that, the overall message is still resolute. Norris begins the play with a roundabout discussion about a supposedly

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