
What Caused The Coffee To Spill On Stella Liebeck

Decent Essays

25 years in previous the actions of McDonald’s coincidently changed the world in relation to how businesses serve hot products. Many questions come to mind in regards to what caused the coffee to spill on Stella Liebeck. In fact, did her grandson driving the motor vehicle speed off or hit bumps, were deep potholes the causing factor of this pivotal moment in this women’s life? Yes, Stella Liebeck did incur severe injuries that were caused by the extremely hot coffee, However, many other issues may have created this to occur. Ethically, McDonald’s knew that their corporate standards of serving coffee between 180-190 degrees when any temperature in excess of 130 degrees were harmful ("Public Citizen Access to Justice, Financial Reform and Government Accountability", n.d.) Additionally, McDonalds received a reported 700 cases of burns occurring from 1982-1992 from their ill practices of serving coffee ("Public Citizen Access to Justice, Financial Reform and Government Accountability", n.d.). Previous to this case I believed that this woman should have been more careful. After reading a great amount of information about the case, …show more content…

Liebeck was awarded 2.9 million dollars for a simple .49 cent coffee ("Public Citizen Access to Justice, Financial Reform and Government Accountability", n.d.) Sadly, this may have been avoided and many other injuries as well, if McDonald’s ethically conducted themselves. Was the total amount awarded to Ms. Liebeck sufficient? I believe that she was entitled to a settlement to cover her pain and suffering and medical bills. However, not to this large of a sum that was later reduced by another judge. I speak only for myself as other causes may have been present such as her grandsons negligence of possibly speeding off or other related things. But this of course is not defending McDonald’s unethical practices of serving coffee that hot. Furthermore, McDonald’s was unable to validate their practices of serving coffee this

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