
What Caused The Great Depression Dbq Essay

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The United States began as a hardworking agricultural country. It seemingly led up to what felt like the best years of America, the 1920’s. Widely known as the roaring 20’s were when the industrial and stock market boomed. However too much of a good thing can only end badly, and the 20’s were no exception. On October 29, 1929, better known as “Black Tuesday”, the stock market crashed and America was flipped upside down. The Great Depression caused the overexpansion of credit and overproduction of goods, it faced unemployment and debt, and dealt with the problems with the help of President Roosevelt.
Causes of the Great Depression included the overproduction of goods, overexpansion of credit and financial problems in Europe. The overproduction of goods made prices drop and the consumer count get higher. The price reductions for companies such as Ford made buying more appealing, and advertisements targeting a specific group, like the “modern mom’, had certain ways of wording their ads to make their impressions better (Doc 1 and 2). Overexpansion of credit caused people to spend money that they didn’t have to begin with. New electric household items made people excited and with their excitement they bought things with credit, which they couldn’t pay back in the end (Doc 3). The financial problems in Europe also caused …show more content…

Unemployment took a huge toll on America’s economy, it created a drought in the economy flow which made debt grow. Debt increased because of home mortgages and consumer credit, people continued to purchase things in loans from credit and they had to money coming in to pay it back (Doc 4). In retrospect the stock market was a bomb waiting to burst, it was the base of people buying stocks on margin and believing everyone would become wealthy by putting their money into the stock market (Doc 5 and 6). Eventually the banks asked for their money back and people went

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